

Canvas Prints of the original painting, painted with acrylic on canvas.

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Canvas Prints of the original painting, painted with acrylic on canvas.

The painting has to be dead, that is, from life but not a part of it, to show how a painting can be said to have anything to do with life in the first place. Mozoon has artistically drawn an image of a Man Duck using different colors. She, here, is trying to depict how life is short and there is always an exit of all things as there is an entrance to it. Moreover, the use of colors with Acrylics paints is fantastic.
In addition to this, the painting is a representation of the artist’s inner artistic and aesthetic sensibility. An eye-catching visual image was shown to the audience due to the use of various colors and drawing depth.


Additional information

Dimensions 102 × 76 × 2 cm


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